Click, drag and combine items to go about the day in the green house.

Mess around in the kitchen. Maybe bake a cake? Maybe it needs something special. 

Go on the computer. Consider sending an email or perhaps checking out some recipes. Rearrange the desktop. 

Arrange some flowers. Wash the dishes. Tidy up. Get ready for bed, and lights out!

Thanks for playing!

Made with sok-stories.


Click on the green house.

Most of the kitchen can be done in a different order. Click the fridge. Click the empty carton. Click the chicken and then the egg to return.  Follow the message and look under the carton for the egg. Now click on the upper cabinets. Combine the dry ingredients to get the bowl. Add the milk and the egg to make both stages of the dough, then put the dough in the oven. Click the cake to continue.

Click the strawberry plant to produce strawberries, then drag them onto the cake. Click the strawberry cake to continue. 

Click the screen twice to go to the computer homepage. Click the envelope and drag the words to send an email. "Send" returns to the homepage. Click the circle fox to view on the interweb. "Return" returns to the homepage.  Click the check to continue. 

Arrange the flowers in the vase. Click the flower photo to continue. 

Drag the soap onto the three dirty plates and two dirty cups. Combine the two cups and the three plates, then combine the two stacks. Click the dish stack to continue.

Move the stuffed animals as desired. Click the lamp to go to bed.

Thank you for playing! 

Press the blue arrow to reset or press the green home to go to the beginning without resetting.

Published 3 days ago
Tags2D, cake, Hand-drawn, house, sok-stories

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